Before you can use StarGate you must already have setup atleast one Internet account.
The Internet account tells StarGate what mail servers to connect for downloading messages
and sending messages. The Account setup also includes personal information about yourself.
Personal information are optional and some users dislike publishing there personal information
to the public. SG supports multiple E-mail accounts.
The following diagram shows the main Account setup window.
StarGate automatically set the first created account to be the default account. You can change
the default account by selecting the account in the listview then select the Default button.
There must be a default account otherwise SG will not check or send any messages since it does not
know what account to use.
Add - add a new Internet account
Remove - delete the selected account
Properties - edit the properties of the selected account
Set as Default - set the selected account as the new default account
Close - close the accounts window
Creating a new Internet Account
When you select the Add or Properties button to add or edit an account,
the following window is opened.
Account Name - This is the account that shows up in the first window. The account can be
any name but generally it is named to your Internet Provider eg: my ISP is Cadvision so I may
name it Cadvision.
E-mail Address - Your email address. It is very important that you enter this.
Reply Address - Your reply address that users reply to
Include this account when checking for mail - If this is checked then StarGate will include
this account when you do a mail check. If all accounts are unchecked then SG does nothing
When you have finished entering the Genral information click on the Servers tab. The
following TAB is then shown.
This TAB page describes the incoming and outgoing mail servers to be used. Mail servers
can be changed at anytime if you want to use a secondary servers.
Incoming Mail (POP3) - This is the server name where SG will download your messages from
Outgoing Mail (SMTP) - This is the server name where SG will sending your messages to
Authentication - If your Internet Provider uses user/pass then then select User/Password
and if they use APOP then select APOP. If you are unsure please contact your Internet Provider.
UserID - Your user ID for getting message from POP3 mail server.
Password - Your password for logging on to the POP3 mail server.
When you have finished entering the Servers information click on the Advanced tab. The
following TAB is then shown.
This TAB page describes the SMTP and POP3 server ports to be used. Generally the port for SMTP is
25 and POP3 is 110. If you work in an LAN envoironment then your network maybe running a proxy.
If this is the case contact your Network Administrator.
Incoming (POP3) - The port number for getting messages
Outgoing (SMTP) - The port number for sending messages
Leave message on the server - If this is checked then StarGate will not delete the messages
from the POP3 mail server when it downloads them.